Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Tribute to Life

A Tribute to Life...

I have been anxiously engaged in getting prepared for my upcoming trip to New Jersey, to be with Halley, as she prepares for the arduous task of bringing a new life into the world. I have completed a painting home improvement project that my good husband started. I will clean my bathroom so it will be "good" for awhile and I have been taking care of a lot of last minute tasks. Of course, packing is next, which does take several days as new items are added, already packed items need to be rearranged! So, in the midst of all this flurry, an event happened yesterday that has caused me to stop and reflect on the word LIFE.....

I am preparing to go to be part of one of God's greatest gifts to us and that is LIFE. Even though I have gone through this process 5 times myself, I will never get over the awe and wonder of giving birth. I go crazy when the world abuses this God-giving privilege because every life is precious.

Likewise, on the other side of that coin, there has to be death. One life comes, one life goes, it is the way of God. My long-time old friend from Auburn "lost" her beloved husband yesterday, after his valiant fight for life. My heart was very sad for her and her loss...I wanted to reach across time to hug her close. I wanted to give her hope of a new day, when we will all be reunited with loved ones that have gone on before us. I wanted to reassure her of the plan of salvation where by we can be sealed together forever as families. I am so grateful for my knowledge of these promises and I want her to know that "life" really doesn't end with death. Death is just a holding place, where we continue to prepare to live with God one day. Bob is there now, Geri, preparing the way for you. I love you.....don't forget to keep looking up.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

And the Home Improvement Project Began.......
Among all the many reasons why I love this man, his home improvements skills have to be at the TOP of my list! Through at least 30 of our 36 years together, his creative "talents" have kept my life in one perpetual remodel project after another! And though I always love the end result, LIVING through it is always the challenge! Thus, this seemly small project, in comparison to his usual standard, has taken a good month to complete, almost. A side note here: Almost means....trim and final detail work is not neccessary until its time to sell the house!

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Yesterday was my day to help complete the project. I am the official painter, of which I really do enjoy doing. There is some immediate satisfaction in changing the color or sprucing up something as large as a wall. So, with my music blasting, a few little unseen dance steps thrown in, ( glad Jade wasn't around with that blasted camera of hers!) I managed to paint the new walls, ceiling and throw up a new coat down the hallway. I was quite pleased with my work.

However...just when I thought my work was done, my good husband tells me that "we" should really complete the project by going down the stairwell, too! YIKES! We have a two-story stairwell! So its off to Lowes this morning for a few more paint supplies. I love my job as Assistant to the Home Improvement King!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Today is my day!

I've had a little trouble with this "blog" thing, trying to figure out what I wanted to write. Its a little different from the days of my youth when I wrote each day...things like, "Today was boring! I didn't do anything fun!" So I have been looking at other blogs, at what other people have considered things worth writing about and I have wondered, "do I have anything worthy of the written word??"

So...of course, for me, I am a bit of a broken record because most of my "worthy" thoughts always seem to turn to my children and grandchildren. When you reach this stage of life, is there really anything else MORE important? I guess my answer is NO!

My children have always been a huge part of my life. I quit school my senior year of college to marry my best friend and start my family. I never regretted a moment of that decision. My children, my husband, have all lead me down a merry road and now, my grandchildren have added a depth and dimension to my life that I could never have imagined! My life has been good and rich and full and filled with that deep, satisfying kind of love, all because I was blessed with 5 great kids.

Today is my last day of work, prior to spring break and my month long trip to New Jersery. I have had a hard time thinking of anything else. I've had the privilege of being present or close by, for the birth of all my G-kids, except for our little Jeven, that I did see about a month after his birth. The joy and anticipation of such events is beyond anything I thought it might be! Just when I thought my heart couldn't hold any more love, God gives me a beautiful little baby to hold in my arms.....certainly a gift, if not one of His greatest treasures. And the happiness I will see in the eyes of this baby's parents, is worth the sacrifice it took to bring her into the world. I am so gratiful to my Heavenly Father for the promise of eternal families, that we can all be sealed together forever. I could never imagine my life without my wonderful husband and the family we created together. I am especially thankful today, for my good husband and the encouragement and support he has giving me to make this trip to Halley's. I could not be as strong, without him.

To My Family......
I love you all.....thank you for letting me be your mother!

Monday, March 19, 2012

My First Real Post

Hello Blog World! I can't believe my family has finally gotten me to this point in my life! Teaching this "old" dog some new tricks has been a little more than challenging, for all of us!

(Oh, maybe not this "old" dog, but you get the idea!)       Since I woke this morning with several "blog post" ideas, I decided that today was the day I officially start! However, I am not going to use the ideas that woke me up, instead, I'll say that I am looking forward to this new generation of "journal" writing as I have been a longtime recorder of my life's adventures! I started in grade school with the little book that came with a key, so I could keep my little 7th grade secrets away from my sister. And then, high school and college, I transitioned to spiral notebooks and finally, as a wife and mom, I moved to hard bound books. My life's history is scattered in so many "places" that it will take my kids months to figure out their mom's stories, after I have gone to my "rest! I have missed major blocks of time, as I have been busy raising a family, working a full time, paid job and dedicating my service to the church so there will be places that my kids can just fill in nice things about their mom, as they retell my life history to their kids!
  In any case, I am kind of excited to throw my random thoughts out there and believe me, they are getting more random with each birthday that passes!!
    So Blog World, Here I Come!!